The Easy Yoke

Martin Frankena

green grass field near mountain during daytime

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

We must come to Him if we are weary, tired, exhausted from toil or effort, burdened with the things we cannot seem to get on top of.
When we come, He will give us a place to recover, to collect our strength and be refreshed.
He will bring us into a place where we can quiet our spirit, restore our soul and body.

But we must come, we must choose to walk away from our labors and burdens and seek Him out.
In the place of rest we get a perspective that allows us to see more clearly, do discern the things that are significant and those that aren’t.
We have a tendency to take on burdens that have no kingdom value, those things that tire us and wear us down with worry.

He is not telling us that we will not labor, but that the labor will not be difficult.
We are told to take up His yoke and watch and learn from Him and in so doing we learn to live from a place humility and quietness of heart.
When we do, we will come to rest.
The yoke, the submission to his guidance in the work of the kingdom is easy, since He labors with us.

We are not alone, He is with us to lighten the load, a time of putting our shoulders together to move the kingdom into the world.
The joy of working together with a close friend who is taking the lead and the weight of the work. Is a time of close fellowship.
His yoke is easy, it does not grind us down and the burden (there will be a burden) is light. He knows our strength and our endurance and will not impose more than we can handle.
Once we learn to share His yoke, we can then do it for others.

Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2